Plagiarism Reduction
Get rid of one of the biggest hindrances for publication, plagiarism, with our rewriting service.
Plagiarism Reduction
The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes plagiarism as “the act of using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to that person.” In other words, copying from a source without an appropriate citation can be considered plagiarism.
Various factors can lead to plagiarism and these must be identified and resolved before even sending your document for publication. The extent of plagiarism is often incidental and the intention accidental. In most cases, “text recycling”—a comparatively innocent form of plagiarism, wherein authors plagiarize their own work—is the sole culprit of rejection from journals or any such avenues; incidentally, it is also the most common form of plagiarism.
However, this act is impermissible in any form and can lead to severe consequences, such as retraction after publication. Not surprisingly, most journals (regardless of their impact factor) have stringent rules against plagiarism and have several in-house software to identify it. Sometimes, these are integrated to their submission portals, making the upload of your document impossible. Furthermore, other publication avenues (dissertations, theses, conference proceedings, etc.) do not appreciate it either. Also, plagiarism is a federal crime in several countries.
We are here to help you deal with this conundrum … nay, resolve it!
Our Plagiarism Analysis and Rewriting Service aims at making your document as plagiarism-free as possible.
For plagiarism analyses, we use PlagScan© or iThenticate©, a trusted software, which specifically measures the quality of the text by testing the originality of a document.
One of our main goals with this service is to reduce any sign of plagiarism or text-recycling that may occur in the process of manuscript writing, may it be incidental or accidental.